Tuesday, February 2, 2010

'oh be a fine girl, kiss me'

...now you know the mnemonic device to remember the 'full' spectral type sequence (full until they later added l and t to the end of it). I laughed out loud in class when I read that. These are B stars (some of the hottest), in the Pleiades star cluster. Surreal.

Also, I made my first recipe post. I've got a lot of studying for Astronomy to do this week, so probably not another one until this weekend. We'll see. Anyway, I'll definitely update on the status of darkroom construction. I asked my dad, "What happens to my darkroom if I go to Portland in less than a year?" And he said, "It'll still be here." This is good news.

People are already (duh) planning on SXSW attendance, and I'm thinkin' in on it too. Conrad wants to go for his birthday, and it'd be sweet to go--but also the Chicago Zine Fest is happening, and Sara is doing a workshop? of sorts (something). Plans should be made sooner than later, but it's hard to know what exactly to do. Plus, Chicago is cheap (megabus), versus flying to Austin. How to manage that? Hmm. Applying tonight and planning on visiting Portland in June. Excitinggg news.

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